Your donations are gratefully accepted! We are a non-profit organization that survives on donations and membership fees. We never charge for admission, however we do have a donation jar at the door should you decide you wish to make a donation.
You may also make a donation via PayPal by sending your donation from your PayPal account to:
[email protected]
In addition to monetary donations, we accept donations of new and used model railroad items that we will resale. All profits from the resale of donated items are invested back into the Club.
Your donations allow us to,”Pay the bills” as well as invest in our Club. We are a non-profit 501c3 organization, and we use all donations received to pay our annual rent, electric bills, water, garbage etc. We also use donations to purchase materials such as rail, electrical, lights, and the myriad of other details that make our layout so beautiful and special. Without donations from the public we would not be here, and we thank all of our donors for allowing us to continue this amazing tradition of HO modelling in Port St Lucie!
We also thank the City of Port St Lucie for their support of our Club!